请问我能发布我的h.264 decoder RTL及testbench在这里吗
大学和毕业后我做了一个h.264 decoder, 现在已应用在无人机的工程里,现在我想公开一个不带deblock的版本在这里, deblock版本不开源, deblock一个宏块只需50多个时钟,和其他过程可以同步进行,所以基本不影响解码速度。
General Description
The Osen Loigc OSD10 core is a hardware implementation of the H.264
baseline video compression algorithm.
It is Simple, fully synchronous design with low operating freqency.
Supports up to the highest HDTV video resolution (1920x1080 @
30 fps progressive) on FPGA.
Simple, fully synchronous design.
Single core HDTV support in FPGA : 720p (1280x720) at 60 fps or
1080p(1920x1080) at 30fps in High end FPGAs (Zynq7020 lowest speed grade).
Fast Deblocking Filter:Only 60 Clocks are needed to deblock a 16x16 block.
No CPU required for decoding.
Very low latency decoding
Any Motion vector is supported.
Support for all of intra4x4 and all intra16x16 modes except IPCM.
Multiple slices supported.
Deblocking filter for better quality.
External memory interface tolerant of high latencies and delays,
ideal in a SoC system or in a shared bus with a CPU. The memory
interface can be clocked at a different frequency from the core for
easier integration.
Supports YUV 4:2:0 video output.
Min Clock speed = about 1.4 x the raw pixel clock speed.
Very low operational frequency : from 15 MHz for VGA @ 30
fps to ~75 MHz for 1920x1080 @ 30 fps.
Available as synthesizable Verilog Netlist.
[0_1496925861235_Osenlogic_OSD10_datasheet.docx](Uploading 100%)
我也提供baseline的c model,解码后的yuv和JM86或ffmepg对比是bit-to-bit正确的。我的testbench也生成yuv.txt,用hex2bin转为yuv二进制文件后, 可以和软件模型对比, 也是bit to bit对应的。
@eebq 赞! 欢迎发布, 你先放上来。我稍后把帖子挪到代码发布里面。
@eebq 你先建两个帖子, 一个是RTL的, 一个是Cmodel的, 我随后把这两个帖子放到代码发布下面
@bo 范老师你好, 论坛的附件上传显示100%, 但是好像不能下载, 我先传到网盘吧,里面有C Model, RTL Code, modelsim 写入二进制文件的源码及dll文件, ascii转binary的软件。下载地址发站内信给你了。
@bo demo video 1080p
大佬您好,请问H264的Encoder有没有开源的C model?