范老师,有没有计划发布英文版本的网站? 或者需要人帮忙翻译成英文? 我有个外国朋友Konrad 希望能够参与进来,不过他不大会写中文,他希望能够帮你建立个英文网页。
Konrad hope to translate this web to english, so the foreign develop can also join your project
I think at least the registration screen could be in english to lower the barrier for non-chinese guests. Then for the rest a non chinese user can use chrome's "translate" function or a message could be shown hinting the user to use chrome when a non chinese locale is detected ...
// Greetings Konrad
@wxwangyan Thank you! I use nodebb for this forum. I have changed the default language to english.
@pilmihilmi Thank you for your suggestion.